Featured Blogs
What’s in an “F”?
As you may have noticed, I always sign my name to include my middle initial “F.”
What’s in my “F”, you may ask?
UGH! When Assumptions Happen to the Best of Us!
This is a full transparency posting here. In it, you will discover how my Covid bad habit could have gotten in the way of training on, of all things, COMMUNICATION!
Landry Featured in Thrive Global Magazine Article
Spring is in the air. This new season takes on extra meaning this year as opportunities begin to sprout up from all of the seeds that we have been planting these past two years.
Spring Cleaning & BD Refreshing Activities
Spring is in the air. This new season takes on extra meaning this year as opportunities begin to sprout up from all of the seeds that we have been planting these past two years.
Multi-Generational Communication Strategies
Are your multi-generational communication activities ever misunderstood and/or ineffective? Do you need proactive strategies to improve your employee engagement and/or leadership alignment?
No Person Is an Island
People need people and that is most evident in healthy organizations. Otherwise, it affects our company culture from the top down. If you aren’t sure, then test it. Take Authentizity’s Culture Quiz !
Spinning Plates and Long-Term Relationships
When I’m describing how to maintain long-term relationships (especially in times when our businesses become busy), I utilize the spinning plates analogy. Do you see the parallels of this AIM (accountability, intentionality, measurability) strategy as they relate to your organization when it becomes busy?
Do You Love/Celebrate Your Unique Strengths?
It’s now been 10 years since I became aware of my CliftonStrengths® and started this great strengths journey. In my past, I didn’t recognize these as unique to me. View CliftonStrengths White Paper
Things That Suck the Soul Right Out of You!
Are you ever called upon to do things that you know are not in your natural hardwired, God-Gifted talents? I don’t know about you but when I am, I tend to put it off and/or try to find a quick path to circumvent the task expeditiously. In the end, it never turns out how I intended it to. The process gets screwed up, I get frustrated, and then it takes 555 times as long.