Recording Categories

Are Your Current Thoughts Limiting Your Future Self?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Are Your Current Thoughts Limiting Your Future Self?

There’s a recurring theme that I am hearing in many of my executive and business development leadership coaching/consulting sessions.

The theme involves the importance of recognizing and challenging self-limiting and negative thoughts, particularly those related to anxiety and self-doubt. By replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations including being mindful of the words used to describe oneself, we can change the trajectory of our futures — and definitely our future happiness.

How do I know? It’s a topic that I have dealt with that continues to try and show up now and then.

In today’s vlog post, I share my personal experience of dealing with a demanding inner voice during a challenging time.

It’s unrealistic to think that we won’t ever have negative thoughts. The goal is to quickly recognize and deal with the times when these self-limiting thoughts hinder us from achieving our goals.

What about you? What recurring thought themes have you noticed in your life? What are you going to do about it?

Like me, flick that thing right off your shoulder so that you can become all that you were created to be!

#selflimiting #selfsabotage #negativethoughts #hinderingmyfuture #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Eeyore (from Winnie-the-Pooh) or Woody (from Toy Story) — How Do You Make People Feel?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Eeyore (from Winnie-the-Pooh) or Woody (from Toy Story) — How Do You Make People Feel?

As you can see from this photo here, I am super animated when I discuss the topic of how we make people feel.

We have a choice — Do we fill their tanks or drain their batteries?

In today’s vlog post, I emphasize this point as I discuss my recent trip to my CPA’s office. I know that I am probably in the minority because of I LOVE visiting him each year.

Because he’s more like Woody (from Toy Story) than Eeyore (from Winnie-the-Pooh), I always leave there with some much energy and encouragement.

AND, because he is so authentic and credible, I have entrusted him with my business and personal affairs for a decade now.

How about you? Can your clients feel your passion and excitement for their work through your actions?

#fillthetank #don'tdrainthebattery #IlovemyCPA #taxseason #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Time Management and Motivation Strategies
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Time Management and Motivation Strategies

I’ve got my green on for Spring and for St. Patrick’s Day. (Happy Day if you’re watching on March 17th!)

We’re talking time management and motivation in today’s vlog post. It’s a topic that is recurring in all of my client coaching conversations.

Personally, I am hardwired to procrastinate. However, through much work and lots of years, I have learned how to command myself to do the things I don’t enjoy first. (Yes. In that instance, I’m “eating the frog”.)

As promised, here are some other great resources for strategies to motivate yourself when you have the “don’t wants”!

  1. Essentialism – Greg McKeown

  2. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey: Book

  3. Getting Things Done – David Allen

Happy Spring Cleaning!

#eatthefrog #closetprocrastinator #thedontwants #springcleaning #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Book Inspiration #. 12 “Inner Excellence” by Jim Murphy
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Book Inspiration #. 12 “Inner Excellence” by Jim Murphy

“Train Your Mind for Extraordinary Performance and the Best Possible Life!” — that’s the subtitle of Jim Murphy’s Inner Excellence book. And, it does NOT disappoint.

Now who wouldn’t want the best possible life?

Of course we all do, but what roadblocks get in our way to sabotage that success? Murphy explores that and so much more including tactical ways to stay present and not get too ahead of ourselves.

BTW - the Philadelphia Eagles player (and Superbowl winner) who was reading this very book on the sidelines is AJ Brown. He’s the reason for this new resurgence of Murphy’s book.

Good for all of them! I hope you enjoy this book inspiration as much as I did.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if I can help you in any manner.









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Types of Business Model Diversification
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Types of Business Model Diversification

Is your organization prepared for potential turbulent times that come from uncertain market shifts? To create truly sustainable companies that stand the tests of time, we must diversify our market sectors where it makes sense.

Three ways to diversify may include: expanding geographically, offering complementary services, and/or transitioning existing services to new client bases.

The need for long-term planning and relationship-building takes time and effort. No companies can turn on a dime.

Want to learn more? Check out my prior blog post here and/or contact me if I may ever be a resource to you:

#marketdiversification #sustainablebusiness #BD #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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What’s a Zipper Have to Do With Business Development?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

What’s a Zipper Have to Do With Business Development?

In today’s vlog post, I share and break down a common BD term called “zippering”.

The concept of "zippering" describes multi-layered relationships at all levels in an organization, not just with the CEO. It is truly vital to the longevity of our businesses to maintain relationships with key decision makers but also focus on the next generation.

Want to learn more, including strategizing with decision makers, influencers, and champions at various levels? I’m here as a resource to you!

#zippering #sustainablebusiness #BD #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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An Unlikely Entrepreneur /                                     8 Years and Counting…
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

An Unlikely Entrepreneur / 8 Years and Counting…

What an amazing 8 years it has been! I couldn’t have planned such an adventure in my wildest imaginations.

This week, I’m celebrating and I am so grateful to you for your continued support, interest and friendship of Authentizity (and me.)

By the numbers, we have successfully:

  • Collaborated with 77 clients,

  • Guided 565 participants in BD Dynamics Doer/Seller Trainings,

  • Facilitated countless CliftonStrengths Teambuilders, as well as BD Strategic Plans and Other Corporate Visioning and Alignment Sessions,

  • Worked with numerous executives in consulting and coaching sessions one-on-one,

  • Presented as Keynote and Breakout Speaker on many national and even a global (virtual) stage, AND

  • Published Two, Bestselling Books.

WHEW! It’s been exciting, but I know the best is yet to come.

Thank you; thank you; thank you. Here’s to the next 8 years and beyond!!!

#unlikelyentrepreneur #8yearanniversary #celebration #grateful #bythenumbers #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Can You JUST-SAY-NO?!?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Can You JUST-SAY-NO?!?

Do your firm have a clearly defined, go/no go process to ensure that you and your colleagues remain disciplined in your business development?

As I highlight in today’s vlog post, we can talk ourselves into and out of just about anything.

Without a process, we can waste our time and resources on pursuing a lot of “dead on arrival” opportunities that were either never ours to begin with AND/OR are terribly misaligned fits for our firms and their futures.

Sooo, what about you? Does your firm need some help with this from a strategy standpoint?

Can you JUST-SAY-NO?!?

Reach out to me if I can be a resource to you in any manner.

#businessdevelopment #go/nogo #deadonarrival #justsayno #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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What’s the Lowest Hanging Fruit for BD?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

What’s the Lowest Hanging Fruit for BD?

What's the Lowest Hanging Fruit for Business Development?

In today’s vlog post, I highlight the significance of client retention as a form of business development, encouraging the team to create a culture around the client experience and to be proactive in communication.

Emphasizing the importance of understanding and gauging the client's expectations and experience with your firm throughout a project, rather than just at the end, I suggest having an eyeball-to-eyeball conversation (not a SurveyMonkey email) with clients at about the 25-35% completion juncture in the project to ensure their expectations are being met and to make necessary adjustments.

I also share some tactics including:

• Leadership to establish a company-wide culture centered on an exceptional client experience.

• Team members to create and deliver processes for gathering qualitative feedback from clients beyond standard surveys.

• Team leaders to develop strategies and systems for proactive client communication throughout projects.

• Account managers to customize client experience programs for each client.

• Business development leadership members to integrate client retention strategies into their overall approach.

What about you? How are your client relationships — REALLY? Don’t forget to ask them. Also, reach out to me if I can be a resource to you in any manner.

#businessdevelopment #lowesthangingfruit #clientretention #clientretentionisBD #keepyourclients #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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EMPOWERED in 2025: Embracing Your Unique Design to Harness Long-Lasting Success
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

EMPOWERED in 2025: Embracing Your Unique Design to Harness Long-Lasting Success

I-LinkCP’s 2025 Invest in Women Forum was held last week in New Braunfels, Texas. Organization leaders created an insightful and inspiring program to a record-breaking group of AEC professionals from throughout the state.

I had the pleasure to provide the keynote luncheon presentation on my topic “EMPOWERED in 2025: Embracing Your Unique Design to Harness Long-Lasting Success.”

I also had a book signing with my bestsellers, Winning with Whiskers™ and ARMORED, during the closing reception. All in all, attendees (present company included) expressed it was a valuable conference!

Need a keynote speaker for your upcoming event? Contact me for booking availability. I’m here as a resource to you!

#keynotespeaker #I-LinCP #InvestinWomen #2025EMPOWERED #booksigning #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Take a Peek Behind the Scenes — My Prep for Keynote Presentations
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Take a Peek Behind the Scenes — My Prep for Keynote Presentations

In today’s vlog post, I take you on a behind the scenes tour of my office and how I prepare for keynote presentations — especially when I’m learning new material or familiarizing myself with prior content.

I also share my tried and true tactics including:

• Living inside my slide deck for 10-12 days prior to the big date.

• Ensuring that I know the first 2 minutes of the presentation thoroughly to give myself the early “wins”.

• Paying attention to the areas where the presentation flow stops so that I consider rearranging those sections.

• Rehearsing my presentation with my coach.

How do you prepare for your presentations? Contact me if you need any advice or counsel. I’m here as a resource to you!

#keynotespeaker #behindthescenes #presentationprep #liveinyourslidedeck #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Your Top 10 Authentizity Vlog Posts of 2024
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Your Top 10 Authentizity Vlog Posts of 2024

Your Top 10 

Authentizity Vlog Posts of 2024



Last year was a very busy year for Authentizity's vlog. 


Here are Your Top 10 posts, ranked by your viewing from most to least.


Let me know which is your favorite and/or if there's a subject that you'd like for me to cover soon…


Thank you again for your continued interest and support,


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January Blahs? Then, Eat the Frog!
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

January Blahs? Then, Eat the Frog!

Got the January Blahs, Blues, Scaries?

Let me start by saying that I LOVE MY JOB. So if it happens to me, I know it's likely happening to many of you.

This time of year, coming off the holidays and experiencing the cold weather (at least what we in Houston consider cold), it's only natural to be a bit unmotivated the first few days back at work. However, I choose not to stay there.

As I highlight in this vlog post, I've identified the project that I want to do least and I choose to "Eat that Frog!". Here's the link to Brian Tracy's book, as promised:

Now, you're my accountability partner and I want you to hold me to it. What can I hold you to so that you're more accountable and productive these first few weeks of January?

Let me know if there's any other way that I can be a resource to you!

Happy 2025! This is going to be a glorious new year!

#januaryblahs #januaryblues #januaryscaries #stuckstaleorstagnant #eatthefrog #briantracy #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Unfulfilled Goals of 2024
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Unfulfilled Goals of 2024

As we sit here near the end of 2024 and you reflect on your year, do you have any unfulfilled goals that you envisioned you’d accomplish this year?

If you’re like me, we couldn’t have predicted the twists and turns of the year — positive and challenging. So how do you feel about them?

It’s ok to be a bit disappointed, but don’t stay there. Brush yourself off and dream a bigger dream.

My Magic Wand Question is: If you had a Magic Wand and could envision 3 Big Things for 2025, what would they be?

Now go out and make it so. Also, don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help you!

Have you gotten all of your holiday shopping finished? My International Award Winning book, Winning with Whiskers™, A Business Fable About Overcoming Barriers by Knowing Yourself and Others, is a great stocking stuffer.

Join our pack today and/or pick up a copy for a friend. It’s great for your end of year gifting!

Enjoy this glorious new season,


#unfulfilledgoals #stuckstaleorstagnant #magicwand #3goalsfor2025 #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Is Business Development Hard for You?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Is Business Development Hard for You?

Is business development hard for you? Do you consider yourself driven more by your projects (and getting them done) than by the people that those projects benefit?

BD can be difficult for many. I see you!

In today’s vlog post, I share how I had the great opportunity to experience this in even greater detail with a wonderful project that I completed for a Texas-wide engineering firm in 2024. The project encompassed 9 sessions, in 9 months, in 6 cities with 203 participants.

Working with these professionals who were at various levels in their careers further reinforced how challenging it can be, but also how rewarding it is when they identify their own “I” in BusIness Development.

This topic is in direct alignment with my International Award Winning book, Winning with Whiskers™, A Business Fable About Overcoming Barriers by Knowing Yourself and Others.

Join our pack today and/or pick up a copy for a friend. It’s great for your end of year gifting!

Enjoy this glorious new day,


#ihatebusinessdevelopment #BDishard #noBDforme #projectsorpeople #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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People or Projects: What Drives You?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

People or Projects: What Drives You?

Most of us are motivated a majority of the time by one or the other — People or Projects.

That doesn’t mean that we can’t rally ourselves to do the opposite. However, when we are called to stretch ourselves beyond our natural hardwiring, it can lead to burn out and a less than passionate and engaged life.

In today’s vlog post, I discuss this topic and offer up some recommendations. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Also, don’t forget to pick up another copy of Winning with Whiskers™, A Business Fable About Overcoming Barriers by Knowing Yourself and Others for your end of year gifting.

Join our pack today!

Enjoy this glorious new day,


#PeopleorProjects #hardwiring #burnout #motivation #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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What’s Your Headline for 2024?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

What’s Your Headline for 2024?

How would you describe 2024 if you were writing a 2-3 word headline for it?

Mine would be unexpected, but unexpected in a good way.

There is so much to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving Week!

What about you?

Wishing you and yours a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


#HappyThanksgiving #grateful #headline #unexpectedblessings #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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BD Tracking Systems — Is Your CRM System Garbage In; Garbage Out?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

BD Tracking Systems — Is Your CRM System Garbage In; Garbage Out?

What do I REALLY think about customer relationship management systems (CRM)?

Watch today’s vlog post to find out. But really.

It is garbage in; garbage out if you don’t have systems and processes to maintain it.

Yet this is a very crucial aspect of our business development so it can’t be left to chance. We must know the sources of our business, our hit ratio, our retention rate, etc. to truly plan for the future.

I know where Authentizity’s clients come from and where I am most successful in my firm’s business development. Do you?

If you’d like to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out.

AND, if you haven't joined our pack yet, get your copy of "Winning with Whiskers" today at:

#CRM #customerrelationshipmanagement #businessdevelopment #clienttracking #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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Networking Strategies for This Holiday Season / SAY NO TO FOMO!
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

Networking Strategies for This Holiday Season / SAY NO TO FOMO!

We are in peak networking season. If you’re like me, you’ve already had a busy year so adding nightly events to your calendar can be a drain.

In today’s vlog post, I provide strategies to not only choose the best events to attend (NO FOMO ALLOWED!), but I also provide some strategies to make the best of your investment of time and budget when you go.

If you’d like to learn about more strategies, check out my blog post from the past at:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

AND, if you haven't joined our pack yet, get your copy of "Winning with Whiskers" today at:

#networking #2024holidayseason #businessdevelopment #FOMO #networkingstrategies #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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LEADERS: Is It Time to Fire Your BD Professionals?                      BD PROFESSIONALS: Is It Time to Leave Your BD Job?
Vlog Dawn Landry Vlog Dawn Landry

LEADERS: Is It Time to Fire Your BD Professionals? BD PROFESSIONALS: Is It Time to Leave Your BD Job?

I'm straight-shooting in today's vlog post as I address leaders and your business development professionals. Yes. You need one another. But especially, BD needs its leaders to continually do your part. Leaders must set the vision AND continue to "sell" to your BD people why you are the best at doing whatever it is that you do. Otherwise -- at about the 2-year mark -- your BD professionals may become stuck, stale, or stagnant and lose their passion. If that's happening to you, BD folks, then you have some choices. Check out my blog post from the past to learn more: If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. AND, if you haven't joined our pack yet, get your copy of "Winning with Whiskers" today at:

#internalselling #bdandops #businessdevelopment #visionaryleaders #leadership #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

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