Spinning Plates and Long-Term Relationships
Image Source: @picture-alliance/dpa
When I’m describing how to maintain long-term relationships (especially in times when our businesses become busy), I utilize the spinning plates analogy. If you’re not familiar with this concept, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k44uoVm0lPI
As you will note, the talented artist first begins the process with precision as he gets the first few plates going. As time elapses, he goes about his other tasks, but the continuation of the plate rotation is never far from his thoughts. He periodically addresses the ones in need of the most attention with a small touch or slight whirl to ensure that they don’t fall to the floor.
Do you see the parallels of this AIM (accountability, intentionality, measurability) strategy as they relate to your organization when it becomes busy?
In my conversations with clients lately, many of them have stated that they don’t have time for business development.
That’s when I step in to advise them otherwise.
Viewing the plates as our best client account relationships, and then remaining engaged with them is a key factor to creating a truly sustainable and resilient business.
If we’re not AIMed with a purposeful follow up and follow through process, then our competitors likely will have an entre in. We can’t take our relationships (or the investment of time, resources, etc. to develop them) for granted!
Here are three tips to remain AIMed:
1. Identify tier one accounts
2. Plan a process for AIMing
3. Individualize the AIM per the client’s needs
Stay tuned for more relationship development tips. As always, please contact me at dlandry@authentizity.com for further details.
— Dawn F. Landry