Dawn F. Landry

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January Blahs? Then, Eat the Frog!

Got the January Blahs, Blues, Scaries?

Let me start by saying that I LOVE MY JOB. So if it happens to me, I know it's likely happening to many of you.

This time of year, coming off the holidays and experiencing the cold weather (at least what we in Houston consider cold), it's only natural to be a bit unmotivated the first few days back at work. However, I choose not to stay there.

As I highlight in this vlog post, I've identified the project that I want to do least and I choose to "Eat that Frog!". Here's the link to Brian Tracy's book, as promised: https://www.amazon.com/Eat-That-Frog-Great-Procrastinating/dp/162656941X

Now, you're my accountability partner and I want you to hold me to it. What can I hold you to so that you're more accountable and productive these first few weeks of January?

Let me know if there's any other way that I can be a resource to you! Happy 2025! This is going to be a glorious new year!

— Dawn F. Landry


#januaryblahs #januaryblues #januaryscaries #stuckstaleorstagnant #eatthefrog #briantracy #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry