A Little Quiet, Please…


When did the world get so noisy?

The older that I get, the more that I value time and space where no sound is necessary. (To support this, the people closest in the world to me can join me for hours on end and not have to say more than five words cumulatively. We just enjoy being in one another’s company. You know who you are, and I love you for it!)

I know that I’m wired this way. Gallup CliftonStrengths Intellection Theme is my #9. It shows up most prevalently in that I detest any venue where I need to shout for both a conversation and to hear myself think. I remember a time when a library was a safe haven for quiet time. That’s no longer so. Additionally, why is even the waiting room at a doctor’s office so loud?

I’m truly amazed how people cannot be still with their own thoughts. These bigmouths get on their phones and share some of the most intimate details of their lives while complete strangers are subjected to this useless (and many times private) information as a captive audience. Like a piece of any technology, I wish that I could shut them off.

Tying this to the corporate real estate industry, I am the worst candidate for an open concept office. I have never thought clearly / creatively, or been efficient / effective, with music or news from a headset (which should deflect the outside chatter). In fact, I would prefer to sit outside in Houston’s hottest summer heat than to bench in an office.

If you think this a rant from a middle-aged, out of touch person, then you’re wrong. I’ve discussed this very topic with other self-proclaimed quiet seekers of other demographics and they agree. When given a choice, give me the serenity of a good book, in a hidden nook. A bonus would be if I were in the company of my husband or a good family member or friend who enjoys sitting next to me in silent bliss.

If you are like me and prefer to ask rather than answer questions, then you might enjoy a phrase that I devised as a coping mechanism years ago. When I return home after day of bumper-to-bumper meetings where I have to be “on” and I don’t feel like talking, I simply convey: “I’ve used all of the words that I’m going to use for the day.” It’s a nice way to communicate to those that I’m closest to so that they will respect how I am at that moment.

What are your tips and tricks to restore your peace?

I’m always looking for new and creative ones.

Email me at dlandry@authentizity.com.

— Dawn F. Landry




Does your calendar ever make you feel like you’re playing a game of Tetris?


Get Over It!